I’ve had M.E. since 1988 (28) years. Well done for protesting!!

Sarah at Saje

What is the protest for?

May 25th, 2016 will mark a global day of action for ME (Myalgic Encaphalomyelitis)* There are literally millions of people worldwide who want to stand up and be counted in asking for proper understanding and recognition for their condition, funding for research, and better training for medical practitioners. In the UK, protesters will be convening outside the Department for Health, Whitehall for a two hour silent protest. (Click here for details) Similar protests will also be happening worldwide. See below:

Millions Missing mapFor many people with ME, this is far too big an ask. Many have been housebound for years, even decades, so there will also be a worldwide virtual protest so that everyone has the opportunity of being included. This will primarily involve people sending in their shoes to stand in their place or including pictures of their own.

My personal protest

I have been waiting…

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